Do I need an Exercise Physiologist?

“We use exercise as a tool to get your body moving properly”

Trent Larwood, Kinetic Balance Exercise Physiologist

What We Offer

Individual Sessions

Our Exercise Physiologist will work with you in one on one sessions to design an exercise program that is perfect for you and your goals.


We have a range of group exercises classes led by our Exercise Physiologist to help with chronic health conditions and injury.

Chronic Health Conditions

  • Type 1

    Type 2

  • Heart disease

  • Joint disease, aches and pains

  • Stroke

    Cerebral palsy

    Neurodegenerative conditions

    Multiple sclerosis

    Parkinson’s Disease

  • Exercise during and after cancer diagnosis.

    Can improve outcomes related to cancer treatment

  • Improve general strength, conditioning and balance to reduce the risk of falls and to improve quality of life.

  • General maintenance of health and fitness to improve quality of life and reduce the risk of developing chronic disease

Sports & Musculoskeletal

  • Better outcomes post injury with support and supervision.

    From injury to return to activity.

    Strength and conditioning

  • Joint replacement surgery

    Tendon repairs

    Sports injuries

    Post fracture surgery

    Abdominal procedures

  • Guidance and education on strength and conditioning training.

  • Running programs based on exercise physiology principles.

    Don’t over train, don’t under train. Hit the sweet spot to reach your goals.

  • For young athletes, 18 and under.

    Education on safe training principles

    To get you started on your journey as an athlete.

    Train safe and effectively.


  • Yes you do.

    Details below:

    - 1 hour consult

    - Full medical and exercise history

    - Physical examination

    - Determining goals and outcomes.

    - Education specific to you, your goals and relevant medical history.

  • Individual program specific to you, your goals and relevant medical history.

    Sessions can be tailored to your capabilities.

    Exercise Physiologists are University Qualified therefore have a complex understanding of health conditions.

    Safe, fun and beneficial!

  • See attached link.

  • Yes - the follow rebates are available:

    Private health rebates:

    - You will need to speak to your Health Insurance company about your coverage.


    - EPC plans avaiable

    - Diabetes specific rebate

    - For more information, speak to your GP