8 Myths About Arthritis
It's tempting to dismiss arthritis as just aching joints, and something people must learn to live with as they get older. Yet it’s shrugged off by society because it’s invisible and associated with ageing. This is thanks to persistent myths about who it affects and what it can do to you.
After osteoarthritis - or ‘wear and tear’ arthritis, the next most common type is rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an autoimmune condition.
Awareness of RA, its symptoms and that it can affect anyone of any age can significantly help in getting an early diagnosis. There is a window of opportunity that, if missed, can cause delays in getting early treatment, which can lead to long-term negative impact.
Raising awareness of RA is vital for driving earlier diagnosis and helping to prevent the often irreversible damage it can cause to a person’s body, mental health, family and career.
Here are some of the common myths around Arthritis:
1. Only old people get arthritis
You can get arthritis at any age, even in childhood, when it’s called juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). In fact, two-thirds of people with arthritis are under 65.
2. Arthritis isn’t serious
Arthritis can be devastating, with eight in 10 people experiencing pain every day. The pain and fatigue impinge on their independence, ability to work, travel or socialise and can make those with RA feel burdensome.
One of the symptoms of RA can be joint pain, but the condition can have an effect on other aspects of health too. Many people with RA have also been diagnosed with a major depressive disorder.
3. Just take paracetamol if your joints ache
While it’s common to have occasional aches and pains in the joints and muscles, it’s important to see a physio or doctor if you have swelling or stiffness that you can’t explain, it doesn’t go away in a few days, becomes painful to touch your joints or if you can’t do everyday tasks because of the pain. The earlier you get a diagnosis and find a treatment that works for you, the better the outcome will be.
4. There’s nothing you can do about arthritis
Effective arthritis treatments make a huge difference and could prevent irreversible joint damage. There's a variety of treatment options to help people live well with the condition including medication, physiotherapy, joint replacement surgery and pain management therapy.
5. Avoid exercise if you have arthritis
It can be hard to keep moving, but staying active can reduce pain and arthritis symptoms and help people remain independent. Exercise improves muscle strength which keeps joints strong and well-supported, reduces stiffness, helps balance and improves energy levels.
6. A Mediterranean diet can cure arthritis
No diet or supplement will cure arthritis but a balanced diet, exercise, and not smoking or drinking too much alcohol can all have a huge impact.
Some people find their symptoms are affected by their diet, weight and physical activity levels. However, what works for one person may not work for another. Being overweight can increase strain on joints and increase the risk of developing certain conditions.
Eating a balanced diet with lots of vitamins and minerals could help reduce the side-effects of some arthritis drugs too.
7. People understand what rheumatoid arthritis is
People are often unsure of the difference between RA and Osteoarthritis. RA is actually an autoimmune condition, meaning the body’s own immune system targets affected joints, which lead to pain and swelling and other symptoms, including fatigue, dry eyes, chest pain and a loss of appetite.
8 It is not possible to play competitive sport if you have RA.
There are several examples of individuals excelling at sport including tennis stars Caroline Wozniack and Danielle Collins, golfer Kristy McPherson and Australian Olympic snowboarder Spencer O’Brien. As mentioned above, exercise is actually an important part of managing RA. These athletes demonstrate that by being aware of their condition, they can train and play at a high intensity while living with RA.